Through the fleet of state of art communication satellites, NSIL enables satellite communication based services covering the users in the Indian peninsula region. The satellite capacity addresses multitude of applications like – Television broadcasting (TV), Direct to Home (DTH), Digital Satellite News Gathering, Mobile Satellite Services (MSS), Very Small Aperture Terminals, In-Flight and Maritime Communication (IFMC).
The C band satellites are most suitable for TV uplink/teleport application with a wide area footprint. Ext C band capacity is mostly deployed for CUG VSAT network for Government users. Ku band capacity have India coverage and are suitable for DTH, DSNG, VSAT and IFMC kind of applications.
NSIL also collaborates with users from both public and private sectors in developing novel applications using the existing satellite capacity for specific need of the user.

Direct To Home (DTH)
India is one of the most competitive as well as the biggest market for DTH services. Space segment capacity on INSAT/GSAT fleet has enabled DTH payers to serve Indian market, which currently has active subscriber base of more than 70 million.

Digital Satellite News Gathering (DSNG) Services
NSIL enables News channels to provide live coverage from the source and pitch-in the TV sets of nearly 185 million households in the country. The Outdoor broadcasting services are operational in C and Ku bands.

VSAT Services
VSAT services play a key role in strengthening telecom infrastructure in country by providing connectivity solution to Banks, ATMs, Oil & Gas, financial institutions, telcos, enterprises and connecting remote places where terrestrial networks are difficult to reach.

Private TV Uplinking / Commercial Teleport Operations
ISRO through its commercial arm enables some of the private TV channels are uplinking their content on the INSAT/ GSAT fleet using their own teleports and ground stations set-up across the country. NSIL has also enabled commercial teleport operators, who make use of space segment capacity as well as fiber optics technology, thereby providing total solution for channels to 'play-out' the contents from their studios located anywhere in India.