The Indian Earth Observation (EO) programme is an applications driven programme providing much needed spatial information support for applications in the areas of land, water, ocean and atmosphere. To serve these applications effectively, satellites need to fly various types of sensors which operate in optical or microwave bands of the electromagnetic spectrum. A proven, fully redundant, optimized, standard mini satellite bus (IMS-3) is available with ISRO which can accommodate the payloads required for various applications. IMS-3 BUS (Indian Mini Satellite-3 Bus) is evolved as a standard bus of 450 kg class which includes a payload capability of around 200kg.
The IMS-1 or MicroSat bus is envisaged for quick turn-around time so that a series of satellites can be launched and operated on short notice. There is no redundancy for any of the onboard subsystems and all subsystems are miniaturized to accommodate them within the limited mass and volume.